Entertainment Weekly is Reading My Blog.
So I'm on the deck outside on a Sunday morning, drinking my tea and reading the latest EW (Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka on the cover).
Remember a couple weeks ago I said in this very blog that they should do a new "Professional" where Natalie Portman grows up to be a hitwoman herself? Well, there was a blurb in this issue called "Gimme Sequel" where the writer says the same thing. Coincidence? I don't think so. EW: if you're gonna get story ideas off me, at least give me credit! Or hire me. ;-)
Also, in the music section, there's a tiny little blurb on Jamie Lidell from Super_collider. He's got some new track out that's available for download. That's the second "underground" guy I personally know to get mentioned in a mainstream mag like EW (Felix Da Housecat was the first).
Where's my blurb, dammit? I need to hire a publicist, but last time I looked, it actually costs more for a publicist than it does to put out a record itself. Literally. ;-)
-AO :: 12:13 PM ::