Can't Think Of A Clever Title.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Not much happening at the moment. Late night at the Internet cafe. Checking out a lot of galleries and museums this week, getting inspiration. Just a couple of gigs left, I'm biding my time until I play again. The Warlocks are playing Magnet tonight, but I'm on a budget. I'll be going to Maria tomorrow night, though. It's Tresor night, so I'm on the guest-list. Greg Shiff is playing. He's Stewart Walker's ex-partner. We saw (Giaxia and I) saw him play live once in Detroit a few years ago, he was very good. Almost as good as Stewart. I'll be going back to the States in a few weeks to take care of some business there. I really don't wanna go back, man. If I had my way, I'd stay here in Germany until Bush was out.
-AO :: 4:05 PM ::