Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Right now, I'm listening to this group called
The Nymphs.They're one of my favorite bands and totally forgotten today. I got turned onto them years and years ago, way before techno, when I was working at a record shop in Detroit called Sam's Jams.
The Nymphs were signed to DGC. They were led by a female named Inger Lorre. They had this really big stadium sound. Serious L.A. glam, Sunset Strip-type rock. Loud and swinging. Huge drum sounds. They were eclipsed, though, by DGC's big L.A. band, Guns 'N' Roses, whose "Use Your Illusion I & II" CDs came out at the same time.
Inger had drug problems and Nymphs never released another record. Then Nirvana--another DGC band--came along and killed that whole Whiskey-a-Go Go style L.A. rock.
Anyway, if you still like real, loud, straight-up guitar rock (which fewer and fewer people do), Nymphs is the shit. I used to turn people onto the CD when I worked at the record shop.
-AO :: 1:06 PM ::