Random Shots: Warsaw 10/3/09
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Warsaw was a blast despite a 12-hour, round-trip train ride from Berlin to get there. Those kids like a good techno show. Didn't get to hang out too much (as usual), but was treated to a nice traditional Polish meal (which was essentially wienerschnitzel). Venue was super-underground, an old basement of some sort. The promoter decorated it and made it look good as you can see. The light show made me look good. Olga is my self-appointed manager when I'm in town. She cracks the whip on people and looks good doing it. I wish I could take her with me as a tour manager (a real one, not a euphemism for a groupie, ha ha). She also took most of the shots you see here.
-AO :: 5:48 PM ::