Stockholm Revisited.
Another day at the Office...literally! The event was called The Office. Here's a birdseye view of me rockin' it when I played there late last year. It was my first time in Sweden!
-AO :: 3:35 PM ::
Johnny Gambit 02 In Production.
Thanks for supporting JG01 (just got an order for it today via Discogs shop and you can get a digital version
HERE). Whenever I get a little break, I work on the second issue. I usually write and pencil in Berlin in between gigs, and ink and letter in Chicago, as well as compose the soundtrack ('cause my studio's here). This is the cover and an interior page from JG02. Click image to make bigger.
-AO :: 3:40 PM ::
Some Video from Awakenings.
Headliner, bitches! Watch me bang some shit. LOL.
-AO :: 1:45 PM ::