Johnny Gambit Reviewed on!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My comic book JOHNNY GAMBIT 01: THE PRODIGAL SON was reviewed on this week. Review was kinda lackluster (or maybe my book was, ha ha) but HEY! It's fucking VARIETY, baby! Eyes on the prize here. Plus the reviewer posted a link straight to my Myspace page. NICE. They gave me a "C," I'll take it! At least it wasn't a fail. Here's what they had to say:
I received a copy of Johnny Gambit 01: The Prodigal Son Preview Edition (Pure Comics) in the mail and it’s like an artifact from the black-and-white boom of the 1980s. That may be appropriate, given that the character previously appeared in a single issue about 20 years ago. The story and the art are a pure throwback to that time — though not in a completely unpleasant way. The story about a futuristic city gone wrong and the racing toughs who may be able to save the man who can fix it is pure 1980s, complete with an elaborate and complete backstory. The art holds this back a bit — it’s flat, angular and simple and would benefit greatly from some quality inking and the addition of color. Grade: C.
Here's the link. Thank you Tom McLean and Bags and Boards!!!!
-AO :: 2:05 PM ::
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